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Management Office Announcements

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Signup for Surepay Auto Debit
Signup for Auto Direct Debit (Surepay)
• What is direct debit and how does it work?
Cadmus Properties Direct Debit (Surepay) makes it easy to pay regular recurring charges on time, by... [more]

Homeowner Account Information Update
Homeowner Account Information Update Request

In order to properly communicate with our residents Cadmus Properties requires homeowners to submit their most current contact information annually. [more]

Community Website Terms & Services
Community Web Site Terms of Service

Welcome to our community web site also referred to as "the web site." The following are the current Terms of Service ("TOS"),... [more]


Pearlridge Square
332 N. School Street | Honolulu, HI 96817
(808) 531-6847 direct
This site is provided by Cadmus Properties